Gulf Bytes

Write for us

Abdul Ahad

If you would like submit a high quality article to our website, then please follow the guidelines as mentioned below.

Guest Post Submission Guidelines:

  • An article should at-least 450 words or more.
  • The article must be your original work and not published anywhere else before and after the article publishing.
  • Please send atleast 1 image with size of 1920px width and height 1080 pixels.
  • Use proper sub headings and use bold, italic font styles to make article more readable and easy to our users.
  • You may add 1 or 2 links in your article anywhere to the same websites only.
  • You can wrote and send articles on any category except porn, gambling, bedding, and illegal stuffs. No need to contact me in email for pitch ideas.
  • Article will be published within 24 Hours. Once you completed your article, just send your article to

Please Note:

  • Please do not contact us for free guest post opportunities. We never do. So don’t waste your time and our time.
  • If your article has links that leads to business/commercial websites, then you have to pay small one time publishing fee. Please get in touch with email ( for pricing.